Residence of 14 artists/ creatives from Catalonia/ International who will be in residence in Espronceda following workshops and creating projects related with Fulldome technology, VR, lidar scanners, and many other advanced technologies. Workshops done by Eyesberg Studio/ MIRA Festival, Be another Lab and Garage Stories.
Immensiva Festival

An exhibition on site and online/ VR Mozilla Hub, from 9 to 13 september in collaboration with MIRA Festival, Helsinki XR Center, MEET Culture Digital Center Milan, ./studio3 Institute for Experimental Architecture Innsbruck University and UCA UK.
It’s a show of the VR program of the International Film Festival of Venice, that Espronceda will host from 31 August to 12 September, installing VR stations and open to the public by ticketing.
By Garage Stories. Innovation laboratory with XR technologies for the development of narrative experiences aiming to solve social and environmental challenges. 50 participants students from UPC, ESDI and Blanquer
Conferences and exhibitions with the works from the Quintessence Dome Lab and the Artathon weekend.