Espronceda, Institute of Art & Culture, supported by Lemongrass, are partners in the following European projects
Horizon 2020 programme in the framework of STARTS initiative (Science, Technology, and the Arts)
2019 – 2021
STARTS lighthouse pilots will explore art-inspired solutions to industrial/societal challenges in two chosen areas. Pilots will engage industry, technology, end-users, and artists in a broad artistic exploration of technologies with the aim of creating novel products, processes, and services that respond better to human needs. The added value of artistic practices to realize unexpected solutions via artistic exploration must be clearly put forward in the two lighthouse pilots. MindSpaces is a multidisciplinary effort, integrating the arts, neuroscience, architecture, 3D modeling, visual, text, EEG, physiological sensing analysis, AR/VR, and a wide range of end-users, from city dwellers to tourists, elderly living independently. Its aim, to improve the design of outdoor public spaces, indoors work and house interiors through participatory design that involves multisensory measurements of end-user
responses will inherently integrate these multiple disciplines towards a common goal. The resulting artistic AR/VR installations, design tools, and methodologies will allow future developments within this ecosystem through their use. MindSpaces aims at burgeoning the STARTS ecosystem by developing a novel paradigm of cooperation between artists, technology, research, industrial and user partners, and a common working model (SIO1), which will allow for the initiation of projects of similar nature under the evolving STARTS ecosystem.
Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas, CERTH (GR), University of Maastricht (NL), Universitat Pompeu
Fabra (ES), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), McNeel Europe SL (ES), Up2Metric (GR), Nurogames
(DE), Zaha Hadid Architects (UK), Maurice Benayoun (FR), Analog Native (DE), ESPRONCEDA, Institute of Art
and Culture (ES), e-Seniors (FR), City de l’Hospitalet (ES), City of Hong Kong (HK).

Creative Europe MEDIA program
Artificial Intelligence for Future (2021 – 2022)
AI4Future is a Creative Europe’s project which involves three different European countries: Italy, Spain and Netherlands. It aims at enhancing the understanding and dissemination of A.I. related technologies for the active and creative participation of young activists to the European cultural scene, allowing them to work with artists for a joint creation of a new urban community awareness. The A.I. approach allows the access and the interpretation of data to better understand both how these new technologies works and to discover new aspects of community societal mechanisms.
The new generations will have a fundamental role in this change as they are maturing and growing in the progress of the technological revolution. The main topic of collaboration between young activists and artists will be the “mobility”, considered in different meanings and different interpretations developed thanks to a dialogue between the partners. The meanings of mobility that emerged are: mental mobility, pandemic fatigue; social economical, and political mobility; virtual, interactive mobility, in which A.I. is not just a tool. Young activists, artists and policy makers will have the opportunity to deal with international meetings, workshops and artists residencies.
Sineglossa Ancona (ITA), Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture, Barcelona (SPA), V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media Rotterdam (NL), MEET Digital Culture Center Milan (ITA)
Creative Europe
2021 – 2022
REAL-IN aims at EXPLORING crossroads of cultural, audiovisual and creative sectors for immersive and interactive proposals, exploiting 3D scanning technologies combined to XR settings. We’ll build a PLAYGROUND for prototyping collective scenarios to boost new participatory approaches and innovative user experiences for the Creative and Cultural Industries and their audiences. REAL-IN will activate multidisciplinary synergies in a co-creation process between creatives, coders, creative industries, with the result to BREAK SILOS between creative sectors.
REAL-IN is an alliance made of 2 major EU festivals (La Manufacture/performing arts in Avignon, VRHAM!/Visual arts and Interactive design in Hamburg), 2 innovative cultural institutions in 2 major European cities and world ranked events in creative industries (MEET Digital Culture Center in Milan, Espronceda, Institute of Art and Culture, in Barcelona), and an award winning audiovisual technology company Black Euphoria located in one of the major European audiovisual hubs in Marseille.